hai, mastershiefmon you can download a trial for flash online. or download this
<a href="http://www.filehosting.org/file/details/122701/YI9vevUKeRRxsybi/Monkeys.rar">http://www.filehosting.org/file/detai ls/122701/YI9vevUKeRRxsybi/Monkeys.ra r</a>
(its the full version of flash 8 - its not a current version but its a good place to start)
i had to rename the file 'Monkeys' because what im doing may be illegal but i dont know lol, its a non-recent version, no one will care probly.
so extract the file, hope it works :S
I'm the Nerd, I'm awesome, and I will always be better than you. You can't deny my awesome. I could beat you at everything if I tried. I can even beat you at everything with out trying. I'm awesome. And because I'm awesome, I can do anything. Bow before me, pawn. I am you lord, master, king, ruler, and god. You shall listen to none but me, I control you, I'm the best. You are a minion, and nothing better.